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How to read a water meter?

Reading a water meter is straightforward and can help you track your water usage and detect leaks. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Locate the Water Meter

  • Typically found near the front yard, sidewalk, or basement, water meters are often housed in a metal or plastic box labeled "Water."

  • Open the cover carefully using a tool like a screwdriver if necessary.

2. Identify the Type of Meter

There are two main types of water meters:

Analog/Dial Meter

  • Display: Multiple dials or a single long dial with a mechanical odometer-like display.

  • Reading:

    • Ignore any numbers in red or smaller dials unless instructed by your water utility (these often represent fractions of a unit).

    • Read the black or white numbers from left to right. These are typically in cubic meters, gallons, or cubic feet.

    • Write down the numbers, noting the unit of measurement.

Digital Meter

  • Display: An LCD screen that cycles through readings or may require a flashlight to activate.

  • Reading:

    • Look for the total water consumption display, often labeled with "gal," "m³," or "ft³."

    • Record the full number shown.

3. Understanding Units

  • Check the unit of measurement used by your meter (gallons, cubic feet, or cubic meters).

  • To convert readings into liters or another unit, use the following:

    • 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons

    • 1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters

4. Calculate Usage

  • To determine water usage over time, take two readings:

    1. Initial reading (Day 1).

    2. Follow-up reading (Day X).

  • Subtract the initial reading from the follow-up reading to find the volume used during that period.


  • Initial Reading: 1234 cubic meters

  • Follow-up Reading: 1240 cubic meters

  • Usage: 1240 - 1234 = 6 cubic meters

5. Check for Leaks

  • Turn off all water fixtures in your home.

  • Check the meter. If the numbers or a small indicator (such as a spinning dial or blinking light) continue to move, you may have a leak.

6. Note Special Features

Some modern meters include:

  • Leak Indicators: Small spinning dial or icon showing water flow.

  • Smart Features: Bluetooth or Wi-Fi-enabled readings accessible via an app.

By regularly reading your water meter, you can monitor your water usage, manage bills, and identify leaks before they become costly problems.

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Contact:Ella Huang



Add:Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

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